Should You Consider Robotic Bending Cells ?
Over the past ten years I have noticed a trend with my customers. They realize the importance of automation and easy set up as it relates to forming on a press brake. My customers tell me time and time again how difficult is to find an experienced press brake operator; they know that the skilled operator pool is getting smaller and smaller every year. The reality is that this problem can be applied to many other processes in just about any manufacturing facility in the USA. Press brakes have improved in numerous ways over the past ten years. We have seen increases in speed and accuracy, easier to program CNC controls, and improvements in tooling systems as well as improved safety.
Robotics and forming cells are certainly not new to the part forming world; in fact, I recall watching a robot form 24" x 24" panels on three sides and place them in a nice neat stack over fifteen years ago. So why should you consider a robotic forming cell? Well, there are many reasons, some of which relate to technological advancements as well as pure economics. Let's start with economics. Initial investment cost for robotic automation has decreased considerably over the past ten years, which allows smaller companies the ability to justify the investment. Labor costs have been on the rise over the past ten years added to the fact that skilled labor is in high demand, which may increase the hourly wages paid. Combine lower cost of investment with the skilled labor savings and your dollar concerns start to diminish.
Now lets look at the technology in Robotic forming cells. Robots have become increasingly smarter and much easier to program than in years past. Part manipulation and the physics of robots have improved to the point of almost limitless movement. Single software systems have improved in areas that allow multiple machines to work together in ways that previously were simply not fluid and cohesive. Tooling systems allow for greater flexibility, and overall system speed has increased. The technology in bending cells will continue to make advancements, and going forward the cost will continue to improve. If we look at robotic welding as an example we see that the trend is on a sharp incline towards more complex welding and fixture systems with welding robots that are better than ever.
Advantages to robotic bending cells include precise, repetitive forms and consistent overall parts. Robotic bending cells can operate for as long as there is a steady supply of parts and removal of completed parts. Most cells run unmanned and one operator can program and maintain several bending cells. Medium to short runs are now easier to set up, and long part runs can be processed on a second or third shift for maximum productivity. Competition around the world will continue to reach a more level playing field. Perhaps you owe it to yourself to take another look at your own forming operation and consider robotic bending cells for your future growth. Adira Bending Cells
Rob Collins
President, BluTec Machinery & Service